'The energy of the mind is the essence of life'
- Aristotle

Have you ever felt lost within your life, searching for clarity and a deeper understanding?

I have been there myself many moons ago and have made it my mission to help guide others on this path.

Allow me to help you rediscover ease and your own peace of mind to empowerment and joy. 

I will hold a beautiful space for you, where you can fully be yourself and let go. This will allow the process of empowerment to begin.
Whether you decide to have an Intuitive reading, a bespoke session or a modality of your choice. Come along and experience the energy, the conversation and the beginning of a new chapter.

I have worked with many clients over the years from all paths of life and one thing I know is that everyone has a story. I want to share with you a piece of mine, in the hope that you will feel more connected.

Allow me to start from the beginning...

I am Lisa and I am here to hold a beautiful space for you on this journey of personal growth, healing and empowerment.

 I have known since as far back as I can remember that I was different; I had a hard time understanding life myself through all the crazy experiences. Life sure has been a roller coaster of events which has brought me to the person I am today.

I love to learn so I am always reading or exploring new ways to grow in my own reality. I have an inquisitive mind, which is always a blessing. I know that is why I have been guided to work this way over the years with clients.

where it began

My story and how I ended up where I am

I can see the colour’s of people's auras in my mind's eye which allows me to interpret how a client is feeling emotionally, mentally & physically. I am able to see the chakras of the body systems and know what can be achieved by working on certain aspects which will create more ease for them. 

On meeting certain people, I have experienced spontaneous past life knowledge, and much more.

All this to say, I have always felt called to help others and guide them in a way they might not have been able to experience before. I would love to do the same for you.

I realised my passion early on in life

- Jodi Picoul

'Extraordinary things are always hiding in places people never think to look'

- Neale Donald Walsch

'If you want the best the world has to offer, offer the world your best'

- Lisa Walker

'Within every conversation lies an opportunity for growth and love'

quotes I love

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